Kol-Tor: The Turquoise Lake of Kyrgyzstan The opportunity to get out into this mountains is, without a doubt, one of the greatest things about spending time in Kyrgyzstan.
Arslanbob Walnut Harvest: A Month In the Forests of Kyrgyzstan
Arslanbob Walnut Harvest: A Month in the Forests of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan is full of small stories. A successful microfinance project here, a village with a long history of training fighter pilots there, and any number of interesting back stories to be stumbled across by travelers or locals alike. One of […]
Suluu-Terek with the TUK
Suluu-Terek with the TUK Another trip with the Trekking Union in Kyrgyzstan, another new place explored too quickly. To call Suluu-Terek ‘near Bishkek’ is a bit of a stretch, as the trailhead actually lies just outside of the Chuy Valley inside of Boomskoe Gorge on the way to Issyk-Kol Lake. […]
Bir Bulak – Hiking on the Outskirts of Bishkek
Bir Bulak – Hiking on the Outskirts of Bishkek I can’t decide whether I really like hiking with the Kyrgyzstan Trekking Union or it really annoys me to go do so. The very first trip I went on with them, up to Bir-Bulak Canyon just outside of Bishkek, illustrates the […]
Bishkek Zoological Museum – A Travesty of Science
The Bishkek Zoological Museum: A Travesty of Science Well, it isn’t the worst in the region. I’ve seen a series of pretty dreadful museums scattered throughout Central Asia, and the worst offenders always seem to the be the Zoological Museums. Bishkek is no exception to this rule, though the exhibits […]
Bishkek: The Kyrgyz Cultural Capital
Bishkek: The Kyrgyz Cultural Capital Among the many other reasons I really like Bishkek (mountains and visa-free entry being right towards the top of that list), one of the ones I didn’t expect before I arrived was the presence of constant cultural events. All three apartments I’ve lived in so […]