Soccer! The first night I spent in Tashkent, I saw lots of groups of guys walking with flags and chanting. I knew it had to either be a riot or a sporting match, so I followed one group to figure out where they were going. Happily, they were headed to […]
Travelling in Tashkent (R)
As far as capital cities go, Tashkent was actually a decent introduction to the country. There were a handful of bazaars, nice architecture, and lots of interesting history about Central Asia. The most exciting thing about Tashkent, though, was…
Welcome to Uzbekistan (R)
With all this money, you’re going to need a bigger backpack.
Photo Slideshow: Uzbekistan (R)
Uzbekistan is one of my favorite countries in the world, ever, in the history of my travels. Some of the coolest random experiences, most impressive historic cities, and friendliest people I’ve ever come across. I”m aching to get back here, and daydreaming about a return trip for early 2012 if […]
Wedding Dances (R)
At each of the 4 weddings I went to, the dancing was long-lasting and all-encompassing. Even I, usually painfully averse to dancing, was forced to get out and dances with more old Uzbek women than I can now recall. In this video, late into the night after a good portion […]
The Kind People of Khiva (R)
I rolled into Khiva expecting to probably stay two or three nights, and ended up lingering for a week. The Old Town is pretty, but that wasn’t nearly enough of a draw. Instead it was the perfect combination of comfortable/cheap guesthouse, the right mindset, and (most importantly) really friendly people […]