Photo Blogs, USA

Buffalo Trace Distillery

  Though most of my time in Kentucky was spent with the family of my newly-married fraternity brother Anthony, we did manage to sneak away on my last morning to the complimentary Buffalo Trace Distillery tour in Frankfort. In this oldest operating commercial distillery in the US, the tour starts […]

Photo Blogs, USA

Monumental Nights in D.C. (R)

I’m bad sometimes, while traveling with other people, about not wanting to spend much time on photography because I’m worried the people I’m with will get impatient with waiting for just… one… more…. shot. This is doubly true, then, with my 13 year old sister as a travel companion. I […]

Travel Words, USA

Down Wimberly Way (R)

You know those places that are just so close to home that you never actually get to them? The ones that visitors seem to have gone to, but you’ve only heard of? Wimberly, Tx is one of those. I’ve known this name for years as my aunt and uncle have long […]

Travel Tips, USA


One of the greatest things about going back to visit America, from a travel perspective anyways, is actually some of the food. A lot of non-Americans refuse to believe this, but while there may not be much  “American food”  as a typical cuisine there are certainly delicious regional specialties all […]