Tired of spending day after day on busses, after leaving Champasak I decided that I needed a few days of walking. The first of these was in Pakse, a regional center on the Mekong River. The part of the city that sticks out the most in my mind is the […]
Travel Words
Wat Phu
Not wanting to stick with the crew I had been traveling with in Luang Prabang, I decided to skip past the popular stop of Vang Vieng and headed as far South in Laos as I could. Wat Phu, near the city of Champasak, is an old Khmer temple built on […]
Villages of Luang Nam Tha
In addition to random nature scenes, the area around Luang Nam Tha is also littered with small villages. Many of these are home to distinct minorities with their own customs, costumes, and cultures. Many are also relatively poor, living at subsistence level on the rice they grow and animals they […]
Arriving in Laos
For the Chinese New Year holiday my first year in China, I decided that my first extended solo trip would be to Southern China and on to Laos. Arrived in Laos angry over having to leave a motorbike at the Chinese border, a little anxious over being in a new […]
Gili Trawangan
We’ve been in Indonesia’s Gili Islands for eight days now, mainly because we knew before we even got here that this place would be the perfect place to cap any epic trip. Instead of covering this by sites or by days, I’m just gonna blog about activities pursued in the […]
Gunung Bromo Volcano
In the middle of 4 long days of public transportation, a volcano to mix things up! Volcano! Sunrise didn’t work out due to intense foginess, but on the way back to our accommodation we did get to climb an active volcano as it spewed sulfuric gasses over a Martian-looking barren […]