Denmark Photo Blogs

Copenhagen’s Black Diamond

Ancient hand-drawn maps – a personal favorite.

When I’m not trekking in the mountains of Central Asia, the somewhat nerdier side of my character really enjoys beautiful intellectual spaces as well. With that in mind, then, I had to make a stop at Copenhagen’s well-renown Black Diamond.

Copenhagen’s Black Diamond Library.

Attached the to historical Royal Library, the Black Diamond is a beautiful modern structure sitting on the Copenhagen waterfront. Its name comes from the idea that in the morning light, the tiny black panes of glass on the library’s facade reflect the beautiful light of the low-hanging sun.

Inside, as you might expect, exhibits of books historical and famous from the Royal Library’s collection. Less expected are some of the other exhibits, some of which are quite engaging and some just puzzling.

Uhh… what?
Gutenberg Bible, 1454
Tolstoy, draft fragment of War and Peace (1864-9)
J.J. Audubon
1500’s French Chansonnier
More on maps.
To be honest I can’t really make out the caption here, but I thought it was visually very interesting.
Like an onion.

In such a beautiful place, surrounded by such literary beacons from Western history, what to do? Brandi Dog, of course! This was clearly not my place of power, though, as I was handily beaten twice before leaving the library’s beautiful waterfront cafe.

This was a terribly frustrating game, but a great setting for it!

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