Pedernales Falls State Park
Among the many parks and natural areas near Austin, Tx one of the ones I’m most anxious to re-visit is Pedernales Falls State Park. Not only is the main Falls area (pictured above) quite beautiful, but there are also less-walked trails in the park that lead down to quiet little rivers that bubble along underneath a cliff-top campsite just begging for a night or two of my time.
The hiking isn’t grand and the landscape not epic and vertiginous like many of the amazing regions I’ve had the privilege to trek, but it sings to me as a perfect spot for a quiet weekend’s campout to cool off a river in the heat of a Texas summer.
Props for the discovery to my aunt, by the way, who found the place and dragged me along for a visit. Pedernales Falls is in Johnson City, Tx (just down the highway from her house in Marble Falls) so I’m sure we’ll make it back for another visit next time I’m around there.