Tag: Culture

Hari Raya Nyepi Balinese Day of Silence

Hari Raya Nyepi: Bali’s Day of Silence

Hari Raya Nyepi: Bali’s Day of Silence Imagine Nyepi in Bali. Picture South-East Asia. Motorbikes vie against big smoking diesel busses for space. The scream of mechanics’ tools and the barking of road-running dogs are overpowered only when you weave far into the depths of a market and the lowing […]

Jyrgalan Tourism Fest
Kyrgyzstan, Travel Words

Jyrgalan Tourism Fest – Community, Culture, and Kyrgyzstan

Jyrgalan Tourism Festival – Community, Culture, and Kyrgyzstan   Kyrgyzstan is a small landlocked country in Central Asia. Try again. Manas nomad culture of Kyrgyzstan  yurt 天山 vodka. No, not quite. Hiking In Heavenly Mountain, Land Of The Snow Leopards. Lovely, still no. Community. Culture. Collaboration. We’ll start there. A small village, […]