Tag: Travel Tips

China, Nepal, Travel Words

Wind Horses in Flight

In Tibetan Buddhist culture, prayer flags are an ever-present reminder of religiosity in the course of day-to-day affairs. In every instance of this cultural background that I’ve seen, from the far north of Mongolia and south to the Himalayas of Nepal, I’d seen prayer flags fluttering everywhere but never made […]

Travel Tips

Packing for Travel

Aside from budgetary concerns, another issue that seems to come up regularly is how once can carry enough “stuff” to last for months of traveling.  I had actually promised my aunt, who talks about coming to travel with me for a month later in the year, that at some point […]

Budgeting, Moldova

Budget: Moldova

Moldova actually felt a bit pricier than Ukraine, though looking at this it overall shouldn’t have been.  Though I couchsurfed for all but the first night (because nobody wants to receive a guest at 4am), there was a pretty nice hostel in Chishinau for 100 Lei/ night. I’m told that […]